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More information
  • You can either choose to send me chapters as you write them and stagger the payments over your writing process. Or, send me an entire manuscript in one go (we offer payment options for both).

  • There is also the option to combine chapter editing with 1:1 mentoring sessions held over Zoom — a popular option for writings who want to maximise having access to insider knowledge.

  • Once your order is confirmed, please email your chapters to




These programs are creative products and cannot and do not contain legal advice. By enrolling on a course or a service via Amy Molloy, you agree that you have read and agreed to our full disclaimer. Click here to read in full

I have to share my favourite feedback from one of my book editing clients. (This is how it feels to find an editor who vibes with you.)

Chapter Editing Service: Send Amy Your Book Manuscript Today

The creative and emotional support you need to make your manuscript a success (and to make it an empowering process).

I know, getting feedback on your work seems scary. (I send my work to multiple editors and publishers every month and it's a vulnerable experience, even for pros!)


But, everyone can benefit from a trusted, outside opinion, especially when they're writing a deeply personal story.


I work with writers of all levels across the world (see example here), as well as working with the world's biggest publishing houses to make sure manuscripts are impactful, intuitive, relatable, powerful, emotional and coherent. And, more importantly, that you're doing you and your story justice.


You can work with me — your editor — at any stage of the writing process.


  • I work with writers who have written their entire manuscript and send me the whole thing.

  • I work with writers who send me every chapter as they write it, so they can get feedback during the writing process.

  • I work with writers who just want to send me their introduction, for a shot of confidence and clarity before they get stuck in


What I do differently as an editor:


  • I never just point-out what's not quite working.

  • I'll write in exactly what I think would be better for a section (and you're free to keep my words and use them as your own.)

  • Your chapters will be returned to you with changes tracked, so you can choose whether to accept and decline them.

  • I'll also send a cheatsheet with bullet-points of my suggestions (and what I love, love, love about your work too.) 

  • I'm not just working with a piece of paper — I want to know you, so I can make sure your work is the perfect representation of you and your purpose.

  • You can also choose to pair chapter editing with one-to-one mentoring. Our (cost-saving) Editor Package offers both and is a popular option for writers.


I'd love to take your work to the next level and to give you the confidence to share your book with the world.


There's no better investment in your story and next chapter in your life.


Amy x

books worked on

This is just a selection of the books that I've worked on as an editor, writing coach or consultant. I update this section regularly with new titles.​


We Love Love by Laura Byrne and Brittany Hockley


Special by Melanie Dimmitt


Ten Pathways by Fleur Chambers


Wholehearted Confidence by Fleur Chambers


A Mother's Space by Tehla Jane Bower


Seeds of Courage by Vari McKechnie


Money & Mindfulness by Lisa Messenger


Purpose by Lisa Messenger


Still a Mum by Meagan Donaldson


Messy by Katie Dean


The Upstander Leader by Jessica Hickman


My Money Lessons (childrens book series) by Jaleesa Paine



“Amy demystified the world of publishing, so I had a strategy that worked. And I knew exactly what I was seeking in a publisher-author relationship. I have no hesitation that without her experienced guidance and support, my first published book may still be a notion rather than hitting the shelves.”
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"Amy is a unique combination of talented editor, savvy writer and generous soul. Writing a book can be a lonely experience. With Amy as your editor, you won’t feel alone. She really cares about you and your story — this is evident every step of the way."
"Amy's writing and editing genius, and holistic book coaching were like having a secret weapon onboard. Every time I wanted to scream, 'Stop the ride', Amy kept me on track, through writing and editing the book, to publlishing it and beyond."
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Publishers We Work With

sign up chapter editing

Sign up Now!

Chapter Editing Service (single chapter) — AUD $360

Send individual chapters of your book to Amy to edit for a fee of $360 per chapter. If you are sending more than one chapter at a time (which we recommend), adjust the 'quantity' to reflect this at checkout.


The Editor Package — AUD$1400 (Sign up + Save!)

Combine Amy's one-on-one mentoring and chapter editing service. This package includes 1x mentoring session and editing of 3x chapters and email support. Plus, priority access to work with Amy to edit the rest of your manuscript.


Want to chat about the best package or service that's right for you and your book? Just reach out ...

DISCLAIMER: These programs and services are creative products intended to introduce students to simple tools around writing about emotional or personal experiences. They do not contain legal advice. By enrolling on a course or a service via Amy Molloy, you agree that you have read and agreed to our full disclaimer. Read here.

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